Monday, September 6, 2010

Mask Price List

My Scheming Beauty Facial Mask (New Package) 我的心机耳挂面膜
1 for RM3.00
Buy 10 free 1

My Scheming Beauty Firming Facial Mask 我的心机耳挂拉提面膜
1 for RM 3.50

Princess Facial Mask 公主面膜
1 for RM 3.50

My Scheming Crystal Eye Mask 我的心機水晶果凍眼袋膜
1 for RM 3.00
Buy 10 free 1

ELG/EGF Crystal Eye Mask  真皮果凍眼膜
1 for RM 2.00
Buy 10 free 1

For more than 100 pieces mask(combine of all listed)... Please email me for wholesales price...

How to use:
Apply after cleansing 
Position mask 
Massage the remainder of crystal collagen gel lightly until absorbed into skin
Leave on 15-20 minutes
Remove mask

Avoid heat of over 30 C or freezing under 0 C
*Prefereble to put in fridge

將眼膜直接貼於您所在意的眼部肌膚上, 在15~20分鐘之後即可實際感覺到肌膚變得水嫩光滑。一個星期使用2~3次為標準,但每天使用效果更佳。


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