Tuesday, January 4, 2011

PRO-Q France Ampoule

RM 32 per box 
Buy 10 box free 1 box

Type of Ampoule Indication/Function
Collagen Ampoule 胶原蛋白 Indication : Dehydrated skin, dull and loose skin. (Suitable for ageing skin)
- A direct anti-wrinkle complex containing native collage and
hydrolyzed collagen that re-hydrates and firm loose and sagging
- Anti-ageing, moisturizing, collagen and elastin strengthener.
Soothing Ampoule镇静 Indication: Sensitive Skin type
- Soothing for skin type which already redness and itchiness.
Whitening Ampoule 美白

Active ingredients:  Indication: All skin type. (Not recommend for Acne skin)
- Bleaching and whitening
- Clarifies dark spots.
- Contains combination of vitamins & Vitamin derivatives which are
able to suppress the formation of melanin.
Lifting astringent Ampoule  提拉

Indication: All Skin type
-Strengthens skin elasticity, slim & reshape face, suppleness and firmness.
-Refines skin texture and minimize orange-peel.
Eye Pouch Ampoule 眼部精化 眼圈细纹
Indication: For treatment of delicate skin around the eye zone area.
- Increase the hydration of the epidermal horny layer of the skin around the eye zone are.
- Helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines in the eye contour area.
- Minimizes dark circles and reduces puffiness.
Fresh Cell Ampoule

Indication: All skin type (Suitable for young skin, not recommend for Sensitive skin)
- Improve Skin texture and elasticity.
- It also moisturizes and minimizes fine liner.
- Prolong use will result in firmer, smoother, softer and glowing complexion.
Purifying Ampoule 清潔抗豆

Indication: Acne, pimple, blemish and oily skin.
- Regulates excessive sebaceous section.
- Soothes irritated area
- Has an antiseptic effect on acne and pimple skin.
- Prevent and decrease break out.
- Use as precaution for those who have breakout before menstruation.
Trace Element Ampoule保湿

Indication: Dry, dehydrated and tired skin.
- Suitable to use before make up.
- Provide essential minerals needed by the skin cells to rebuild the
membranes for its normal functioning.
- Revitalizes tired skin.
- Moisturizing treatment for dry & dehydrated skin
Mandarine Ampoule 毛孔收縮

Indication: Oily skin and open pores skin.
- It has purifying, antiseptic and astringent properties.
- Regulates oil glands, sebum secretions and restores skin
electrolytes balance, tightening pores and leave skin clear matt
- Minimizes Pores
- Stimulate Cell Growth
- Healthy Tissue Formation
- Retain Moisture
- Smoother & Suppler look
Azulen Ampoule 清洁抗豆

Indication: for sensitive and dry skin
- Recovers moisture loss
- Soothing
- Normalize Sensitive & Irritated Skins
- Deep Revitalizing
- Anti inflammatory properties soothes sensitive skin & irritated skin.

- to decrease the sensitivity of skin and increases immunity.
DNA Ampoule

Indication: All skin type (Suitable for mature skin, not recommend for
Sensitive skin)
- It helps to rejuvenate and repair the skin after external
aggressions (UV light, pollution, stress ).
- Smoothers the skin and refines it texture.
- Restores the structure of a young, firm and clear complexion.
To improve uneven skin texture, dilated pores, and scars.
Vitamin C Ampoule 维它命C 抗氧化

Prevent premature aging caused by UV exposure.Indication: All skin type.
- For skin repair and brightening effect. Reduce pimples/acne spot.
Improves the quality and appearance of the skin, strengthens skin elasticity, and helps to

- It has purifying and astringent qualities.
- Detoxified the skin and tightens pores
Firming Ampoule 紧实

- Firming Ampoule is formulated to protect, rejuvenate and reprogram skin that is photo damaged, oily, aged, acne prone or composed of larger pores. F-ampoule has a remarkable firming and lifting effect that is instantaneous.
Elastin Ampoule

Indication: All skin type
- Restore elasticity and suppleness to the skin.
- Prevent formation of fine age lines through the elastin's firming action

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

公主面膜 (Princess Facial Mask)


幸福妲莉莎夢幻王國裡的細緻系公主,極力專研如何使20歲以後的後天美女肌膚都能細緻健康,壓力、污染與自由基的增加都使 肌膚黯然失色,夢幻將化為真實,讓您體驗美麗的幸福....

幸福妲莉莎夢幻王國裡的抗氧化系公主,極力專研如何在熬夜、充滿壓力的環境中都能保有白裡透紅的粉嫩肌膚,越來越蠟黃、暗沉的肌膚怎看怎不美, 童話般的夢幻將化為真實的美麗幸福,施予魔法的力量就在幸福妲莉莎!

幸福妲莉莎夢幻王國裡的美白系公主,極力專研如何在不同的環境下都能保有夢話般雪白無暇的肌膚,童話般的夢幻將化為真實,施予魔法的力量就在幸福妲莉莎! 淨白兼保濕

公主面膜 玻尿酸+神經醯胺超保濕面膜



我的心机 燕窩膠原蛋白耳挂拉提面膜

我的心机 珍珠粉蛋白耳挂拉提面膜
提升肌膚活力,保持肌膚的水份及彈性. 特別推薦乾燥無彈性膚質使用。可使肌膚維持極佳的保水度, 可使水份不流失外,亦極有滋潤度,敷後如絲緞般柔

我的心机 蘆薈維他命E耳挂拉提面膜

我的心机 蝦紅素鑽石耳挂拉提面膜

我的心机 熊果素亮白無暇耳挂拉提面膜

我的心机 牛奶亮白保湿耳挂拉提面膜
牛奶不單能給肌膚營養,牛奶含有豐富的乳指肪、維他命與礦物質,具天然保濕效果,而且容易被皮膚吸收,能防止 皮膚乾燥,並可修補乾紋。溫和的牛奶香,完美的乳清蛋白敷在臉上,可以立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題,使肌膚重現完美柔細光滑,白皙細膩,保濕、舒 緩、平滑及明亮膚色多項功效,讓肌膚滑嫩透明感,嫩白柔細。

Monday, September 6, 2010

ELG 真皮果凍眼膜 Crystal Collagen Eye Mask

Crystal Collagen Eye Lift Gel Mask (Spa Gold)
Collagen + Moisturizing + Pore Minimizing + Whitening

Whitening and Lightening Eye Patch Mask (Gold)
 Reduce Dark Circles

Anti Aging and Moisturizing Eye Patch Mask (Silver)
Reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles

Mask Price List

My Scheming Beauty Facial Mask (New Package) 我的心机耳挂面膜
1 for RM3.00
Buy 10 free 1

My Scheming Beauty Firming Facial Mask 我的心机耳挂拉提面膜
1 for RM 3.50

Princess Facial Mask 公主面膜
1 for RM 3.50

My Scheming Crystal Eye Mask 我的心機水晶果凍眼袋膜
1 for RM 3.00
Buy 10 free 1

ELG/EGF Crystal Eye Mask  真皮果凍眼膜
1 for RM 2.00
Buy 10 free 1

For more than 100 pieces mask(combine of all listed)... Please email me for wholesales price...

How to use:
Apply after cleansing 
Position mask 
Massage the remainder of crystal collagen gel lightly until absorbed into skin
Leave on 15-20 minutes
Remove mask

Avoid heat of over 30 C or freezing under 0 C
*Prefereble to put in fridge

將眼膜直接貼於您所在意的眼部肌膚上, 在15~20分鐘之後即可實際感覺到肌膚變得水嫩光滑。一個星期使用2~3次為標準,但每天使用效果更佳。


我的心機水晶果凍眼袋膜 My Scheming Crystal Eye Mask

水晶玻尿酸保溼眼袋膜 (Purple)
- Deep Sea Seaweed Bolivian Uric Acid adds moisture to your skin, leaving your eyes hydrated all day long
- Allows easy absorption of essence and improves skin elasticity  

水晶Q10彈力眼袋膜 (Yellow)
- Smoothens wrinkles & repairs your skin around the bottom area of eye
- Contains anti-oxidants to protect your skin from everyday stress & radicals
- Relieves skin from stress
- Hydrates your bottom eye area
- Firm up the eye area

水晶左旋C靚白眼袋膜 (Blue)
- Reduces pigmentation and melanin formation
- Reduces dullness around the bottom eye area
- Presence of anti-oxidants to protect skin from stress & radicals
- Whitens & brightens eye bag area & smoothens wrinkles

水晶15胜肽緊緻眼袋膜 (Pink)
- Reduces the formation of wrinkles & repairs skin around the bottom eye are
- Contains Anti-Oxidants to protect the skin from dust and dirt
- Relieve skin from stress
- Stimulates the production of collagen to firm your skin around the eye
- Highly moisturized to prevent dryness


RM2.80 per pair

第三代EGF類真皮水晶果凍眼膜 EGF Crystal Eye Mask


1. 減少油脂分泌,具有袪痘功效,預防痘痘 2. 有效保濕,使皮膚保持充足水份 3. 改善皮膚敏感問題,有舒緩效果 4. 有效細緻毛孔,恢復健康光澤
Green (Aloe Vera + Chrysanthemum )
Aloe Vera and Chrysanthemum speeds up healing process of skin damage and the natural richness of the Aloe essence aids in reducing inflammation and lightening marks. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

EGF熊果左旋C 驅黑淨白類真皮果凍眼膜
Gold (Arbutin + Vitamin C Whitening)
Aids in fading dark circles around the eyes as well as revitalise skin around the eyes, giving eyes a toner look

專門針對容易乾燥及產生皺紋肌膚所設計的高滋養護理面膜,以面膜方式補給豐富的天然活膚酵母精華, 讓容易乾燥產生皺統的肌膚維持滋潤及彈性,更可預防因日曬引起的肌膚粗糙及黑斑、雀斑的產生。 改善的是肌膚整體
Pink (Red Wine + Grape Seed )
Red Wine and Grape Seed are rich in anti-oxidant. Helps greatly in delaying aging and aids in brightening skin around the eyes. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

突破性的補水+美白+滋潤配方, 補充肌膚營養. 身處於不良外在環境影響而導致肌膚不穩定狀況發生, 水晶面膜能有效的緩和緊張的臉部,使之處於放鬆的狀態並達到鎮定舒緩、即時喚回你肌膚的潤澤感及回復肌膚原有的光采
Orange (Lemon + Orange)
Aids in toning and pores minimizing. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

Blue (Seaweed + Greentea)
Seaweed essences is an excellent source of anti-oil agent. Helps in keeping outr eyes oil free. E.G.F aids in reconstructing the skin around the eyes, speeding up dead cells renewal and Green Tea helps in lightening dark eye circles.

Silver (Pearl Protein Hyaluronic)
Pearl Protein increases suppleness to the skin around the eye area. Giving it elasticity. Hyaluronic replenishes moisture and nourishes the delicate skin around eyes area. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.