Monday, September 6, 2010

第三代EGF類真皮水晶果凍眼膜 EGF Crystal Eye Mask


1. 減少油脂分泌,具有袪痘功效,預防痘痘 2. 有效保濕,使皮膚保持充足水份 3. 改善皮膚敏感問題,有舒緩效果 4. 有效細緻毛孔,恢復健康光澤
Green (Aloe Vera + Chrysanthemum )
Aloe Vera and Chrysanthemum speeds up healing process of skin damage and the natural richness of the Aloe essence aids in reducing inflammation and lightening marks. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

EGF熊果左旋C 驅黑淨白類真皮果凍眼膜
Gold (Arbutin + Vitamin C Whitening)
Aids in fading dark circles around the eyes as well as revitalise skin around the eyes, giving eyes a toner look

專門針對容易乾燥及產生皺紋肌膚所設計的高滋養護理面膜,以面膜方式補給豐富的天然活膚酵母精華, 讓容易乾燥產生皺統的肌膚維持滋潤及彈性,更可預防因日曬引起的肌膚粗糙及黑斑、雀斑的產生。 改善的是肌膚整體
Pink (Red Wine + Grape Seed )
Red Wine and Grape Seed are rich in anti-oxidant. Helps greatly in delaying aging and aids in brightening skin around the eyes. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

突破性的補水+美白+滋潤配方, 補充肌膚營養. 身處於不良外在環境影響而導致肌膚不穩定狀況發生, 水晶面膜能有效的緩和緊張的臉部,使之處於放鬆的狀態並達到鎮定舒緩、即時喚回你肌膚的潤澤感及回復肌膚原有的光采
Orange (Lemon + Orange)
Aids in toning and pores minimizing. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

Blue (Seaweed + Greentea)
Seaweed essences is an excellent source of anti-oil agent. Helps in keeping outr eyes oil free. E.G.F aids in reconstructing the skin around the eyes, speeding up dead cells renewal and Green Tea helps in lightening dark eye circles.

Silver (Pearl Protein Hyaluronic)
Pearl Protein increases suppleness to the skin around the eye area. Giving it elasticity. Hyaluronic replenishes moisture and nourishes the delicate skin around eyes area. E.G.F aids in reconstructing skin around the eyes, speeding up cells renewal.

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